We have to face all kinds of problems in our work and life every day. We should be responsible for the company and ourselves. Even when you leave the company one day, this belief will be the most valuable thing that comes with you.
We are not perfect. There are some problems, big or small, that haven't been solved yet. Perhaps we even haven't found them. We hope that you will solve even one problem for us. This not only helps the company make progress but also trains yourself. Only by making continuous improvement can we make development, right?
Everyone has dreams in childhood. Maybe those dreams have not yet come true. Now the only thing we can do is insist on our current choice. Only by insisting on our choice can we get closer and closer to success. Let's make progress together for the company and ourselves.
If you are interested, please send your resume and works to Beijing Zhongtai lianguang exhibition service co., LTD.
Company name
Beijing Zhongtai Lianguang Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
- Floor 15, Unit 1, Building No. 9, Caiman Street, Chaoyang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Design director— annual salary | RMB 600,000 |
Project manager—annual salary | RMB 500,000 |
Director for visual effect—annual salary | RMB 500,000 |
Office chief of PMO—annual salary | RMB 400,000 |
AI development---- annual salary | RMB 1 million |
With the service concept of excellence and excellence, zhongtai lianguang has provided professional digital content consultation for customers As well as the perfect implementation of the case, I have participated in the digital vision design and production of many large projects at home and abroad.